Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have long since been a fan of the popular television show, Friends. However, I am watching it this very moment and I just cannot handle the frequent reference to sex. SO ANNOYING! Yeah, it's funny, and yeah, I could probably quote every episode in all 10 seasons, gets annoying at times.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Sooooo I saw The Time Traveler's Wife last week with some girlfriends, and I was shocked at the amount of nudity in that movie! The bad thing was, it wasn't even applicable to the story at all. I really think they could have made the movie without the nudity and it would have exactly the same except minus a butt or two here or there. Other than that though, I have to admit that I didn't really like it all that much to be honest.

sexual content assignment

Watch three programs on TV that you normally watch during the week. DO NOT change your media habits for this assignment! Just watch what you normally watch. While watching answer the following questions. Also, post your thoughts on this experience on your blog (counts for blogging that week)
1. What programs did you choose?
Friends Season 4
Friends Season 7
Friends Season 10

2. How much sex is in the programs? Keep a running tally for each program and write it below.
Friends Season 4 9 references to sexual content
Friends Season 7 15 references to sexual content
Friends Season 10 4

3. What sexual messages are portrayed in each of the three programs?

Friends Season 4 sexual innuendos such as referring to a woman’s underclothes, reproductive system. Multiple references to sexual intercourse and childbirth in a negative way. Homosexual connotations, reference to inappropriate touching of a female’s body. In general, every reference to sex was explicitly stated, and had a negative connotation.

Friends Season 7 actual displays of sexual intercourse, reference to male and female reproductive system, objectification of women, demeaning women, frequent references to sexual intercourse. Homosexual connotations are also frequent.

Friends Season 10references to pornographic material and sexual intercourse.