Thursday, September 17, 2009

Boys and Girls

So last week Christina's (I think it was hers...) post really got me thinking about gender differences in the media. Yesterday my boyfriend and I were watching TV and I had the remote first, so naturally I decided we watch America's Next Top Model. They were critiquing pictures of the models riding horses...without their tops on and their hair was covering up their chests. It was horrible! It really makes you feel bad about yourself and just get into that superficial mode. So, I gave the remote to my boyfriend and what does he choose? Some Ultimate Fighting reality show on Spike. I was actually interested at first but then they had the fight and it was also horrible! These guys fight until someone gets knocked out or until the bell rings I'm pretty sure. Blood EVERYWHERE. I had to stop watching and felt really sick to my stomach because I'm such a weakling. But seriously, those are some extreme gender differences and I think we are probably all a lot more innately androngynous then we think but the media definitely contributes to how our genders are socialized to be. Thoughts?

PS: Commercials when we watched ANTM were for venus razors and neutrogena facewash. When we watched UFC the commercials were for beer and cars.

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