Tuesday, October 6, 2009

blog post 10/05/09

So yesterday I spent 7 hours straight in the library. I knew I was going to be in there for a long time, and the one and only requirement I had was that I study somewhere in the building that I had cell phone service. It is really important to me that I can be “connected” to the outside world when studying in the depths of the library. However, my phone did not ring once. I got a few text messages, but honestly I was bothered that no one missed me. With the recent dependence on technology (namely, cell phones) I think the definition of “missed me” has really changed. Just because no one called to check in doesn’t mean that I need to be a baby and cry about it (I didn’t really cry, FYI). But if I were in college 10 years ago I wonder if I would be able to get more done because I would not be checking my Facebook every twenty minutes and moping because my cell phone was not vibrating. What do these technological privileges do to out self-esteem? That would be interesting to look at.


Christina & Andrew said...

You know, I've wondered the same thing. We expect so much more from people just because they can get ahold of us constantly. A wake up text, texts throughout the day, a phone call, and a text goodnight sounds about right for what a boyfriend "should" be doing.. along with seeing you! We're crazy.

Colette said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has wondered about this. I sometimes forget my phone and then when I get it a couple of hours later, I'm always let down when I notice I didn't miss any calls or texts.