Friday, September 18, 2009


Alright, I knew I was going to eventually post a blog about Facebook, but to be honest I'm surprised that I'm giving in so early in the semester. Last Tuesday, I get a call from my mom and she asked if I could help her set up her Facebook page. I was a little hesitant, but I agreed. Both of my parents are on Facebook now, and it's nice for them because they get to see what I'm up to and stuff...I have a good relationship with both of my parents so I don't mind if they "check up" on my Facebook page every once in a while, but I could see if you did not have a good relationship with your parents how it would feel like an invasion of privacy at times. However, if you're willing to show the entire world of the internet pictures of you at the lake but don't want your parents to see them, thats a little twisted. I don't know. Also, my grandma keeps getting e-mails from her 90 year old brother requesting that she get a Facebook and add him as a friend! It's crazy, and I wonder how it's changing the dating scene as well....just a few things to think about. PEACE!


Ashley Stewart said...

Its totally different and weird that parents are getting facebook now! It used to be just for college students. I don't know how I feel about it...

And yes, it is definitely changing the dating scene. Should I say this for the class to see? I met my husband on facebook :)

Alicia said...

yeah, both of my parents have facebook. it's fine most of the time, but it's weird when my mom asks me about something that i've done that i didn't tell her about because she's seen it on facebook.... it's definitely changed the way we communicate.

Christina & Andrew said...

Haha my parents and all of my friends' parents are on facebook, and it's so funny to me. Just like you, I don't mind it... but it is odd. I think it gives them comfort being able to see all of the pictures we're posting, along with the friends we're keeping in touch with.