Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My name is Kaitlin McAlister, and I'm a TV-aholic.

So, my roommates and I have not had television in our apartment for a whole year now. We still have a TV, but don't get any channels so we have to watch any shows that we want at our friend's place. It has been a good and bad experience because I definitely don't need TV as much as I used to, but sometimes I'll be eating my cereal in the morning and I'll have an INTENSE craving to watch music videos or Seinfield. Really, it doesn't even matter what the TV is, I think I had just become so accustomed to having background noise that I really miss it sometimes. I also noticed that every time I would go to someone's house and they did have channels, especially if they had a luxury such as satellite or tivo, I would honestly just want to sit in front of their TV and do nothing. Sad, I know! So what I'm getting at here is that TV is an ADDICTION. Seriously.


Christina & Andrew said...

Hahah uhh oh, Kaitlin! At least you've noticed your addiction and can now do something about it :)

Sarah W said...

My Name is Sarah Western, and I'm a TV-aholic. I am glad that I am not the only one out there and that I have a support group!

CicilytheOblad said...

Hi Kaitlin! Hi Sarah! I started the semester with no TV and it was torture. Now I have a TV and it is still torture. I can't live without it and I can't get anything done with it!